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Juice subscription: Why more families are hitting subscribe when it comes to juice

Take back control of your fridge with a juice subscription.

eager juice subscription: why more families are hitting subscribe when it comes to juice

You might not realise it yet, but your family has a juice problem.

Yes, no matter how much juice you buy during your weekly shop, before you know it your teen locusts will swoop in and that’s it – a week’s juice supply, gone in less than sixty seconds.

Thankfully this is one teenage problem that can be solved with little drama. All you have to do is think outside the box (sorry) when it comes to storing and supplying juice to your ever-ravenous family.

Here’s how an Eager juice subscription could help you take back control of your fridge – for the sake of your kids’ sugar intake, and your wallet.

The problem with the weekly shop

The problem with bulk buying juice during your weekly family shop is that it doesn’t last the day, let alone a whole week. You might buy multiple cartons in the hope that your juice supply lasts until (at least) the next day, but in the fridge, juice has nowhere to hide.

Of course, asking teens to change their behaviour is practically impossible, but you can do one thing to stop the juice massacre before it starts.

Out of sight, out of mind

The reason families guzzle through juice at lightning speed is partly because it’s delicious (obviously) and partly because it’s all right there in front of them. They see juice. They drink juice. It’s as simple as that. And, thankfully, just as simple to solve.

If you play hide and seek with your family juice supply – store your cartons outside of the fridge, away from hungry eyes – you can make the same amount of juice last a lot longer. 

eager juice subscription. store anywhere.

But, good quality juice needs to be kept in the fridge, right?

Not really. The idea that good quality, great-tasting juice must be kept in the fridge is a myth created by big juice companies to make their products seem healthier and fresher.

At Eager we have always believed that great-tasting juice doesn’t need to be refrigerated until right before you drink it. Chilled is a serving suggestion, not a storage necessity.

And because of that belief, our juices come in properly air-tight packaging that allows our range of simple, classic juices to be stored anywhere you like. Meaning you can still buy in bulk for the week but keep control of the supply of juice in the fridge.

And it gets better – why trudge those heavy cartons home from the shops, when you can get Eager delivered to your doorstep in supremely stashable boxes of six.

eager juice delivered to your door

Why subscriptions are becoming the answer for families

The idea of getting frequently used items delivered to your door seemed a bit mad when Dollar Shave Club started in 2011. And it wasn’t until the pandemic – when a desperate, locked-down nation was left with no choice but to buy everything online – that our behaviour changed and subscriptions really hit it off, increasing by 48%.

Nowadays, you wouldn’t think twice about getting your razors delivered, or your loo rolls, or your dog food, printer paper, wonky veg, and even the jam for your toast (it’s true!).

And it makes sense. If your family needs an item regularly then why trudge all the way to the shops, risking the disappointment of forgetting it or it not being in stock, when you can find your favourite thing sitting there on your very own doorstep, exactly when you need it, without having given it any extra thought at all.

It’s win, win. Especially when it comes to juice.

unpacking your eager juice subscription box

So, is an Eager juice subscription for you?

If your family loves juice, then – yes. A juice subscription with Eager will allow you to keep a supply of great-tasting juice in the fridge, but at the same time keep any extra cartons safely out of sight, out of mind.

Take back control of your fridge, stop lugging heavy cartons from the shops, and have a nice surprise waiting on your doorstep.

Find out more about Eager subscription boxes, and see what crowd-pleasing flavour combinations are available here.

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