Ever thought about getting your juice delivered? No? Well, you’re not alone.
Last year, we launched our Extra Ordinary Survey, (an irreverent look at life, juice and everything else), to find out what people really think about when it comes to juice.
And unsurprisingly, we found that only 13.2% of you said that ‘running out of juice’ was your biggest worry, over important issues like ‘is Taylor Swift really happy?’, and ‘Jamie Oliver on the telly again’.
Well, each to their own. But the point is, you might not think that you need your juice delivered regularly to your door, but if you did, it might just make your life a tiny bit easier. Trust us.
Here’s why you should think about it.
Your family has a problem with juice (probably)
Families, in our experience, tend to get through juice at a rate of knots. Picture the scene: your teenagers arrive home from school hungry and thirsty. Zombie-like and hunting for snacks, they head straight to the fridge, see the juice you’ve carefully selected – and before you know it, it’s vanished.
Once it’s gone, it’s gone. You have to wait until next week for a refill, unless you feel like constantly running to the shops (we didn’t think so). And besides, all that juice in one go? It’s not really ideal. Fruit juice is high in sugar – after all, it is made from fruit. Which means that we think it’s a treat, not an everyday staple: ours is made to be sipped, not guzzled.
So, if you think your juice is disappearing faster than you can get it, don’t worry. It’s not just in your head. Research shows that more than half of 16-24 year olds drink juice at least once a day. Why? Well, because it’s refreshing and it tastes great, of course. But also because it’s right there in front of their hungry eyes, instantly available in the fridge – when actually it just doesn’t need to be.
Control your juice supply
If you want to keep the juice supply in your fridge going for longer, the key is out of sight, out of mind. If your juice-mad family can’t see it, they can’t drink it. Sounds simple. But juice needs to be kept in the fridge, right? Well, not exactly.
Other ‘Big Juice’ brands have us all believing that that best-tasting juice needs to be stored in the fridge at all times. But actually, it doesn’t. In fact, airtight packaging is enough to keep any juice safe and tasting great, wherever you keep it. Not all juice brands use the packaging to make this possible, but we do.
Our classic juices have been taste-tested against leading brands, and have come out on top. Eager juice has big flavours with no nasties, and the added advantage of packaging that allows it to be stored away from the fridge.
Juice delivery, anyone?
An Eager juice subscription allows you to take back control of your fridge. It means you can get our delicious, classic, store-anywhere juices delivered to your door, so you can store them where you like, and only add to the fridge when you need them.
As we like to say, serve chilled, store anywhere. So the juice fun can finally last all week, not just a few minutes. You’ll never have to experience that just-ran-out-of-juice feeling again.
It’s time to take back control of your fridge
Maybe you never even realised your juice was at risk. Or maybe, like 85.3% of our survey respondents, you thought running out of juice was more annoying than ‘pigeons’ or ‘trying to get a GP appointment’. Either way, we got you.
This is exactly why we introduced our juice subscription to the world: to give you the juice to last as long as you need.
You can see for yourself, and check out the full range of our classic flavours, here.
Happy sipping!
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