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Juicy January: apple juice mocktails to get you through the month

apple juice mocktails eager

Is there anything that the humble apple juice can’t do? 

From apple cider vinegar to apple juice cake, we love using it in all kinds of recipes. Now, as the new year is upon us, you can use it to create some fantastic wintry drinks – all with no alcohol required, so you can turn your dull Dry January into Juicy January.

And since apple juice is a real team player and mixes well with any number of ingredients, including our other classic juice flavours, the possibilities really are endless. Maybe you’re after something cool and fizzy – or maybe you’d like a warming nightcap. Either way, read on – we’ve got you covered.

For some of these we suggest chilling in the fridge before drinking – but that’s a serving suggestion, not a storage necessity, and our store-anywhere juice is ready to go at a moment’s notice.

Apple and ginger winter warmer with thyme

Image courtesy of:

It might be best served chilled, but this mocktail is guaranteed to warm up your taste buds with a combination of apple and ginger.

Add the apple juice, ginger beer, fresh lime and thyme sprigs into a jug.

Mix and place in the fridge for one hour – this will allow for the thyme to steep into the liquid for that herbal goodness. Once ready, remove the sprigs and pour into glasses. Garnish with thin slices of apple. 

Ingredients (serves 2): 

  • 350ml Eager apple juice 
  • 350ml ginger beer 
  • Squeeze of fresh lime 
  • Sprig of thyme 
  • Apple slices to garnish 

Apple and honey fizz

image courtsey of:

Infused with cinnamon and star anise, this sparkling apple mocktail doesn’t hold back on the spices. In a jug, add the apple slices, lemon slices, cinnamon stick, and star anise.

Pour in the apple juice, lemon juice and honey. Give it a good mix and refrigerate for 1 hour.

Once ready, add ice cubes in a serving glass and fill half the glass with the juice, then top up with the sparkling water in a 1:1 ratio. Garnish with a cinnamon stick and apple slice. 

Ingredients (serves 8): 

  • 1l Eager apple juice 
  • 1l sparkling water  
  • 3 tbsp lemon juice 
  • 2 tbsp honey 
  • Cinnamon sticks
  • 1 star anise 
  • 1 apple, sliced 
  • ½ lemon, sliced 
  • Ice cubes, to serve 

Cranberry apple tea mocktail

We’ve combined two of our favourite classic juices – apple and cranberry – for this fruity twist on a tea that’s guaranteed to keep you warm this winter.  

Brew the mint teabag in the hot water for 5 minutes, then place in the fridge for 15 minutes. Grab a glass jar and add 2 springs of the rosemary and the apple.

Squish them to let out all the flavour! Add your juice and brewed tea to the jar. Close the lid and give it a good shake.

Strain the mixture into a short glass and top with sparkling water, the last sprig of rosemary and a slice of grapefruit. 


  • 120ml hot water 
  • 1 mint teabag 
  • 3 springs fresh rosemary 
  • 50ml Eager apple juice
  • 50ml Eager cranberry juice
  • ¼ apple, diced 
  • Sparkling water, to top with 
  • Sliced grapefruit, to garnish 

Whether you want something warming and spiced for winter, or if you’re after a refreshing drink after a long day, our apple juice opens up a world of non-alcoholic possibilities for Juicy January - share your creations with us on Instagram @eagerdrinks.

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